Seydel Concerto Steel Octave Harmonica


The CONCERTO STEEL is a high grade octave-tuned double-reed diatonic. The notes are aranged exactly like on a 10-hole diatonic (Richter tuning).

The compact design and the typical full sonoric octave sound makes the CONCERTO STEEL the ideal musical companion for events of all kinds – the ideal pocket orchestra for assertive melody  and full chord playing.

The CONCERTO STEEL has a divided comb made of maintenance-free plastic and profits from the approved stainless steel reeds well known for durability and tuning stability.

Tuning stability is especially important for octave-tuned harmonicas where two reeds in one channel are either tuned exactly an octave apart. When drawing or blowing, the two reeds oscillate simultaneously, giving a full organ-like sound. Built-in windsavers (half-valving) minimize air loss, improve tone control and increase the overall volume while the playing pressure remains moderate.


List Price –  CDN$241.99



  • 10 discrete holes 40 reeds, 2×2 reeds per channel, valved crosswise
  • Body discrete, plastic
  • Covers stainless steel,
  • reedplates made of German Silver, 1mm
  • Weight Concerto 94g
  • Measures: 125x30x27mm

Additional information

Weight N/A
Dimensions N/A