Harmonica Repair Rates

Many people question whether or not it is practical to have harmonicas repaired, as opposed to buying a new instrument. With ever increasing prices and the discontinuing of many models and available keys, more and more it is worthwhile to consider having your instrument repaired. Not only do you save money but you usually end up with an instrument that plays better than when it was new or plays better than a new, off the shelf harmonica. In some cases, where instruments are too old or in such a state that repairs are not feasible, no repairs would be undertaken and the customer advised to buy a new instrument. Please note that repair estimates cannot be given without us seeing and hearing the instrument. All prices listed below are approximate and subject to change depending on the condition of the instrument and based on instruments being original, factory construction (repaired, modified or customized instruments excluded).

All instruments sent in for repair are cleaned and/or sanitized (to the best of our ability) prior to any work being done. We are trying to maintain current repair rates but these extra steps may increase repair costs.  Please note that we can clean instruments but we cannot guarantee they are sterilized. 

The following is a sample of approximate repair rates for the various harmonicas:

10 Hole German made Hohner diatonic harmonicas, factory assembled with screws, are generally repaired at a base cost of $30.00 per instrument. This includes models Special 20, Golden Melody, Marine Band Deluxe, Marine Band Crossover, Rocket and some MS series models. (Classic 1896 Marine Bands are not included, see below).

This service includes:

  • Cleaning
  • Tuning
  • 1 reed replaced
  • Reeds gapped and profiled
  • Additional reeds replaced are $5.00 per reed
  • Additional charges can apply for instruments that are extremely dirty or corroded, have bent covers or need screws replaced
  • Covers on Special 20 model can be opened at the back
  • Reedplate embossing available – add $80.00 – $100.00
  • Low tuned (LLF up to LF#) instruments, like the Thunderbird and Rocket Low, subject to surcharge.

Hohner 1896 Classic Marine Band will be repaired for $60.00. This service includes:

  • Standard service as above
  • All nails replaced with stainless steel screws – M1.6 screws on the reedplates, M2 screws and nuts on the covers
  • Cover plates opened at the back (optional)
  • Draw reedplate flat sanded
  • Zajac comb available for $45.00
  • Reedplate embossing available – add $80.00 – $100.00
  • Please note that the additional charge to convert to screws is a one-time charge and, once done, means future repairs can be done at the lesser $30.00 charge – and you do end up with a better instrument.

If the stock pear wood comb is too badly deteriorated it is recommended to upgrade to the Zajac comb.

Hohner 364 and 365 Marine Band are repaired for $65 – $75.00, service as per the 1896 Classic model except for:

  • Cover plates cannot be opened
  • Zajac comb available for $49.00
  • Reedplate embossing available – add $80.00 – $100.00

Seydel 10 hole diatonic harmonicas with stainless steel reeds are generally repaired starting at $35.00.

  • Cleaning, tuning, 1 reed replaced.
  • Additional cleaning and additional reeds subject to extra charges
  • Zajac comb available for 1847 model for $44.00 

Yonberg 10 hole diatonic harmonicas with Seydel stainless steel reeds are generally starting at $35.00.

  • Cleaning, tuning, 1 reed replaced.
  • Additional cleaning and additional reeds subject to extra charges

Hohner Tremolo harmonicas can be repaired for approximately $75.00 for single instruments, $130 – $170.00 for double-sided Echo models. This includes:

  • Cleaning
  • Tuning
  • 1 reed replaced
  • Reedplate nails replaced with stainless steel screws
  • Additional reeds replaced at $5.00 per reed.

Hohner Octave harmonicas , including the Auto Valve Harp, can be repaired for approximately $80 – $90.00 per instrument, double for the model 3427, double-sided Comet. This includes:

  • Cleaning
  • Tuning
  • Reedplate nails replaced with stainless steel screws – where applicable
  • Re-valving as necessary of Auto Valve Harp

Hohner Chromatic or Seydel Chromatic harmonicas are repaired with prices ranging from $60 – $200.00, depending on what needs to be done and what new parts may be required. Typical servicing involves some or all of the following: When a new comb is required on Hohner models with wood combs, it is strongly recommended that you consider switching to the 3D printed, plastic Power Comb.

  • Cleaning
  • Tuning
  • Reed replacement
  • Comb replacement
  • Reedplate nails replaced with M1.6 screws – this must be done whenever the reedplates are removed from wood-combed models (e.g. Hohner 260, 270 or 980 Koch) or from older style 64 Chromonicas constructed with plastic combs and reedplate nails. Minimum charge is $75.00.
  • Total or partial windsaver valve replacement
  • Spring replacement
  • Please note that old (pre 1965), wood combed 64 Chromonicas will no longer be serviced and replacement slides are not available for this model. To determine if your instrument is wood or plastic comb (if it isn’t obvious), look into the mouthpiece (where you blow) and if all the open holes are in a straight line, it has a wood comb. If the open holes zigzag from top to bottom, it has a plastic comb.

We can also service Orchestral instruments as well offer other repair services such as reedplate embossing, half-valving of diatonics, custom tunings etc. Prices for these will vary. All repairs are subject to return shipping charges and tax, where applicable. For diatonic models by Suzuki, Lee Oskar or Kongsheng, we offer cleaning and tuning but will not replace individual reeds, base charge is $30.00. Minimal service is offered for Suzuki chromatics but, because parts are not available and reeds are welded, we can only offer basic cleaning, tuning and windsaver replacement (using Hohner valves).

Estimates can be provided, when requested, prior to service. If the estimate is accepted, no estimate charge is applied. If estimates are declined and you want the instrument returned, an estimate/handling charge will be applied as well as return shipping charges. There is a $20.00 minimum charge for all repairs and/or estimates.

When sending instruments for repair please ensure they are well packed (padded envelopes offer no protection) and that you have included all your contact information, as well as a description of the problem you are having with your instrument(s). Payment information, such as a credit card number, and/or a deposit is required prior to service. 

Click here for information on where to send your instrument.

For non Canada based customers – Please note that customs declarations should state that an instrument is being sent for repair and declared value for the package should not exceed $100.00  Still, this does not guarantee that Canada Customs will not levy import taxes and handling fees against the package- should this happen, these fees will be charged back to the instrument’s owner. International shipments should only be done by mail and should be addressed to Wilson Music Services – do not address to an individual’s name.